Shipping Policy

Estimate Total delivery time to the door = Estimate Average Handling time (days) + Estimate Average Shipping time (days) (*)

Handling time: We usually take about 5 – 7 days (from Monday – Saturday) to process orders.

All our shipments are provided with a tracking link.

Please feel free to follow the tracking link to check your delivery status.

ProductsEstimate Average Handling time (days)Destination CountryEstimate Average Shipping time (days) (*)

Production time is not included in the calculation. This is the time it takes to move the package.

 Total delivery time (working days)CarriersShipping Fees

(For each item is a parcel)

All Products5 – 7 daysUnited States (US)Insurance Shipping: Average 10-12 days

Standard Shipping: Average 12-15 days

Priority Shipping: Average 3-7 days

Insurance Shipping: 15-19 working days

Standard Shipping: 17-22 working days

Priority Shipping: 8-14 working days

USPS / DHL / FedEx YunExpressInsurance Shipping: $6.49

Standard Shipping: FREE

Priority Shipping: $35.98

Free shipping: 0.00 USD
Canada (CA)Insurance Shipping: Average 10-12 days

Standard Shipping: Average 12-15 days

Insurance Shipping: 15-19 working days

Standard Shipping: 17-22 working days

Insurance Shipping: $7.49

Standard Shipping: $5.49

Australia, New ZealandInsurance Shipping: Average 10-12 days

Standard Shipping: Average 12-15 days

Insurance Shipping: 15-19 working days

Standard Shipping: 17-22 working days

Insurance Shipping: $7.49

Standard Shipping: $5.49

United Kingdom (UK)Insurance Shipping: Average 10-12 days

Standard Shipping: Average 12-15 days

Insurance Shipping: 15-19 working days

Standard Shipping: 17-22 working days

Insurance Shipping: $7.49

Standard Shipping: $5.49

Rest of the worldStandard Shipping: Average 15-20 daysStandard Shipping: 20-27 working daysStandard shipping: $7.49


This is the average estimated time, the actual time will often arrive earlier than expected. During peak times, like Christmas events, Happy New Year events…will be a few days later than expected.

  • Can I ship the order to multiple addresses? We only offer single-destination shipping. If you wish to ship to multiple locations, please order separately with separate addresses.
  • Can I ship to a PO box or Military APO/ FPO? You can have your order shipped to PO boxes and military APO/ FPO. Shipment to APOs can take up to 40-45 days to be delivered.
  • U.S. Oceania & Island, Military Zone: Guam, Alaska, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Armed Forces (AA), Armed Forces (AE), Armed Forces (AP), and the rest of the countries will take longer than usual, averaging 20-25 business days.

Please note that once your parcel has entered the army area, we will not be able to update the status of shipping for security reasons. See more frequently asked questions when ordering at